Monday, December 22, 2008
We Drove All Night
Our drive down to Indy was awesome and Ivy slept the whole way. We braved what felt like negative 50 degrees from the parking lot to the stadium with Ivy bundled in the sling (as my Mom prayed Oh, God dear Jesus let us make it) and this is what adventures in babywearing is really like.
Ivy was just as much as an attraction as Celine. But once the show started no one could take their eyes off the stage.
She is everything you'd imagine- beautiful, flawless, and personable- I loved the moments that she just chatted with us. And I don't think she's even capable of hitting a wrong note.
My mom was in awe. She couldn't find her words and said I hope she sings that...that... boat song!
And she did. The last song of the encore was My Heart Will Go On.
But my favorite part of the whole entire night (and worth every minute of our drive there and back, the arctic temps, and losing a contact during the third song which meant I watched the rest of the show one-eyed) was during Because You Loved Me. I got a little choked up and tapped my Mom on the shoulder. And told her I loved her. And I will never ever forget that ever.
Call it cheezy and predictable, whatever you want. That was our moment.
I love you, Mom.
There's still time- take your Mom or a loved one to see Celine. You'll never forget it.
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Sunday, December 21, 2008
We're Taking Our Chances!
I65, we do not fear you!
We'll be leaving in just a few minutes. You can keep up with tonight's adventure by following me on Twitter.
If you're a fan of Celine Dion or just love great live entertainment, check out Celine’s Taking Chances World Tour. Her North American tour dates have been extended into February ’09 so take a look and see if she’s coming to your town. Celine’s concert tickets may just be the perfect gift for a friend, family member or yourself. See what the show is like here.
And while you're here, you should sign up for One 2 One Network - (please let them know that Stephanie Precourt sent you!) I am SO thankful for this amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Because Even 7-Year-Olds Care How They Look In Their Sleep
I think I heard that St. Nick is shopping at The Children's Place this year... considering you can get the cutest things for all the kids- from baby on up to size 14! And it is a Mother's dream because you can even make them all match. And as much as I thought I'd never do that to my children, well, let's face it- it's fun.
The new pajamas like the Rocket Pj Set for only $16.50 are my boys' favorite. I love sleepwear in separates and how they feel. My kids love the cool patterns and hip style.
I'd like for you to stop into The Children's Place and do a little shopping with a $30 gift card I'm giving away here. Just leave a comment letting me know your favorite Children's Place sleepwear item and I'll choose one person at random this Friday 12 pm CST. That way hopefully you can get it in time for your holiday gift giving!
One entry per person and US entries only.
Contest has ended. Congrats to Irishmama at Adventures In Multi-Tasking!
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Rollin' With The Homeyz

Kids of all ages (this includes adults!) - boys and girls- will love showing their personality by personalizing and building their own car. Customized to be exactly their own and one-of-a kind every step of the way.
Upon entering the store you choose the body of the car you want to make. It could be a small hot rod or monster truck. So many to choose from and some start as low as $12!
Next you'll choose what sound you'd like it to make, the tires and rims, and then put it all together while you get TIMED just like a real pit crew. (And I just learned all this jargon while we are there so if I am totally getting the wording wrong, stick with me!) By the way, I did it under a minute while babywearing thankyouverymuch!
After you've got your car all put together (you can even make it remote controlled if you want!) then you can pick out decals and accessories. Check in at a computer at the end to make your license plate and finish up with all your deets.
Every step of the way is an adventure. MY favorite part was also my boys' favorite part- where you just let them go and the Ridemakerz specialists assist the kids with putting their vehicles together while making it tons of fun. The whole place is a party!
You can hear all about it from my boys in the video below. It's too cute- you must watch.
You can definitely make some awesome cars in any price range. This Friday - you know, the biggest shopping day of the year- Ridemakerz is offering a free radio control upgrade, worth $25!
Win! I've got a $75 Ridemakerz gift card to give away here! Use it at a Ridemakerz location near you OR jump online and create your own without leaving the house! Just leave a comment letting me know the ride you'd chooze! Let the kids get it on it, too- the Ridemakerz website has lots of fun stuff to play around with!
Contest has ended! I LOVE it when chooses a low number! It was comment number 3! Erin from School Teacher By Day, Superhero By Night!
One entry per person and open to US residents only. Winner will be chosen at random after 11:59 PM Wednesday December 3.
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Friday, June 20, 2008
Reach It With HP!
HP is so awesome that not only did they give me $250 to attend the conference, but they wanted to give me an extra $250 to give away to one of you to use for Blogher, too!
So, here's the super easy details:
Be sure you're following me here on Twitter. Tweet about this contest including this url in your tweet. And/Or post about this contest on your blog including this url and a link to HP in your post. Make sure to leave a comment here with a link to your tweet or post so I don't miss your entry. Contest is closed.
You must attend the Blogher conference to win. Tweets and posts about this contest must remain up until the contest has ended. I'll choose the winner by July 1st so that you can get your money in time and make the proper plans and such. Aren't going to Blogher? Then be a friend and tell someone that is!
CONGRATS! Amy In Ohio is the winner!!
There are still a couple opportunities to win $250 from HP here at To Think Is To Create if you enter by July 7 and 5 Minutes For Mom until July 8.
Hope to see you there. Thanks, HP!
Back to Adventures In Babywearing.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Look Who's Got Their Hanes On Now

It's summer and families are traveling. Well, many are traveling. Some are staying close to home for vacations, but I know almost all of us would love a chance to visit Disney World during its Year of A Million Dreams. You know how I heart Disney. And Hanes, the brand we all love, wants you to "Vacation in Comfort"- offering a chance to win a Walt Disney World vacation when you buy specially marked packages of Hanes products.
Enter now through August 30, 2008. Seven winning families will be drawn around September 21.
This week the Travel Mom Emily Kaufman will be sharing her tips here on how to make your family getaway fun & stress free!
Win! I've got a $25 Hanes gift certificate to give away to one of you! Just leave a comment here telling me your travel plans this summer, or a really funny travel experience. Would LOVE to hear your stories! One entry per person. Winner will be announced here and at Prizey Winners by Monday June 23. Contest is now closed.
Congrats to Andrea, the big winner! Enjoy your summer vacation!
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Thursday, May 29, 2008
Picture Perfect

Oh, HP, you speak the Mom language. Offering a wide range of Photo Creation services such as photo books, calendars, posters, announcements, and more... the always-last-minute gift givers are now always covered. Just take your photos on CD, DVD, USB, or memory card and pop it into one of the HP Photo Creations Computers at a photo center near you. In easy step-by-step touch screen fashion, you turn your memories into art that will be in your hands within the hour!
I stopped into our local Meijer to try it out (don't I look cute?) and had a fabulous leather photo album created of favorite photos of my boys from the past year. I chose where the photos were positioned in the book and what color background and designs would be included. We did a little shopping while we waited for it to print and it was ready in about 30 minutes. For the price you'd normally pay just for an album, I had a bound book with pictures. HP doesn't disappoint- next I plan to make a fun collage for the boys' playroom, and right now they are offering a free one here when you create a 16X20 poster!

The photo album was perfect. Would be a fabulous gift, but this one I'm keeping for myself. My boys were even more excited to look through it- I brushed aside the guilt that I hadn't done this sooner, and vowed to keep up with such a treasure and tradition.
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